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The Value of a Good Architect: What the top estate agents know about selling that the others don’t!

By August 30, 2010May 10th, 2021No Comments


Having an architect on your side will often give you the edge which is required to make the sale. Below I’ve listed just a couple of ways in which we have helped agents in the past:

1. Good design is easier to sell. There are few things worse than a salesman making excuses on behalf of the architect or designer. What a prospective buyer immediately thinks: How much will it cost to rectify and what is the level of discomfort?

2. Good design sells quicker. For most buyers the first impression is the one that lasts, and bad ones don’t lead to sales. From an agent’s perspective: Time equals money, and 5 appointments to show prospective buyers a property will cost you a lot more than 1.

3. Good architecture will reach a higher price. As with all things people are willing to pay extra if they can appreciate the added value. For an agent this generally means a better profit.

4. Architects can help potential buyers visualize the possibilities inherent in a property. So many times we have had a client say to us after a presentation: “We would never have thought of that”.

5. Architects can point out existing danger signs ex. Cracks, waterproofing or damp problems. Chances are that you know at least one person who has in the past had a negative experience when buying a property. Use your appointments to actually build trust. Sometimes it’s OK if you tip the scale a little bit toward a particular property, but be as objective as possible and tell people what their options really are.

6. Architects can also point out potential development issues. Some examples of these include heritage, traffic and zoning concerns. As I mentioned before, clients who are convinced that you are acting in their best interest and not just trying to sell them something are much more likely to invest through you. Try focusing on the war, not the battle.

If you would like a second a second opinion why not contact Cape Town architects, KUBE architecture, 021 465 6926. No strings attached.