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Alterations and AdditionsCape Town Architecture

KUBE architecture: Virginia Avenue Update (Alterations and Additions, Cape Town)

By June 13, 2012May 10th, 2021No Comments


KUBE architecture recently made some adjustments to the Virginia avenue project. The first of many we’ll be making in our effort towards satisfying our clients’ needs, while at the same time creating a humble yet beautiful piece of architecture in Cape Town.

North-East Perspective 01

The client, requested an entertainment space which would be versatile and usable in all weather. The kitchen dining area is open plan, with an adjacent outside living area. The new design affords us the opportunity of placing a glazed roof over the outside lounge area while hiding the gutters, down-pipes and all those other nasties. The space is shielded to the North West and will therefore be usable during the wet season.

The main view lies to the South-East which is also where the dominant wind comes from in Summer time, a challenge for any Cape Town architect. We addressed the problem by introducing large glazed doors to the East and the North. What this means is that when the South Easter is howling the doors to the East will be closed, still allowing one to appreciate the view, while the doors to the North can be opened to let in the summer.

Interior Perspective 01

The glazing to the East meant that the morning sun, especially during summer time could cause the space to become uncomfortable hot. After discussion with the clients it was agreed that the introduction of sliding shutters would be a suitable and architecturally pleasing way of addressing the problem. In Cape Town, your views constitute a significant part of your property value and being a Cape Town based architectural practice, sliding shutters are a tactic we have employed before.The Cohen Residence in Tamboerskloof is a good example.

The new SANS10400 energy legislation further reinforced the introduction of shutters when the total calculated glazing area succeeded the deemed to satisfy 15% of nett floor area. What this means is that the building needs to comply with the fenestration requirements as per SANS 204, which boils down to the introduction of creative shading and glazing methods. You can read more about that here.

Previous Revisions:

North-East-Perspective Interior-Perspective

We’ll be bringing you more updates as the work progresses, so feel free to drop by. For more
architecture projects in Cape Town take a look at Roseberry AvenueHerlig Residence or
14 Breda street.